Saturday, August 09, 2008

Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid

Three things have come together which have cause me great anger. I have recently returned from Israel and the Occupied Territories, I have read Jimmy Carter's book, the title of which is the headline for this entry, and I have watched CNN's "God's Warriors." Posts from this point on will deal with that which I saw and that which I read and hear about concerning the Israeli mistreatment of the Palestinians. First, I am here to tell you that every word in Carter's book is true. Not because someone told me; not because he was once the President. No. It is because what he has written about, I saw with my own eyes.

You may doubt, and you may have swallowed the Kool-Aid dispensed by AIPAC, the Christian Zionists, and even your instructor in Hebrew school, but know that the ancient Jewish tradition has that if two people report the same thing, it must be true.

As I said, I will write more at another time. My life right now is very hectic and demanding. I write when I can. If anybody cares to read, great. If anybody dares to discuss, greater still. But the posts will not be daily. Today's take-away is: Carter tells the truth; read the book!

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