Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This administration

I tried to write a humorous entry on the incompetency and dishonesty of this administration, but, you know what, "t'ain't funny, McGee!" It's sad. It's pathetic. Deception is the modus operandi. Deception on WMD, on the aftermath of Katrina, on the VP's shooting in Texas. I can only pray that America will be more discerning in 2008!

1 comment:

Byliner said...

What do the U.S. taxpayers pay for the fuel, operation and maintenance of Air Force One, Marine One and the presidential limousine?

But then, how much does a grande latte at Starbucks cost by the gallon? And how many people complain about those costs?


The Washington Times, April 30, 2006:

... President Bush yesterday rejected calls from Capitol Hill to levy a tax on oil-company profits and said there is "no evidence" of price gouging.
He urged the industry to increase oil exploration and to reinvest billions in earnings from high gasoline prices to build new refineries.
"I have no evidence that there is any rip-off taking place," Mr. Bush said at a morning press conference in the White House Rose Garden. "But it's the role of the Federal Trade Commission to assure me that my inclination and instinct is right."