Thursday, August 14, 2008

Whose side are you on?

If one criticizes the Israeli government's actions, one is called an anti-Semite or if one is Jewish and does so, one is labeled a "self-hater." But let us be crystal clear. Let me quote Dr. Alice Rothchild, who in turn is quoting Jeff Halper, coordinator of the Israel Committee Against House Demolitions, "I am on the 'side' of Israelis and Palestinians who seek a just peace that addresses Palestinian rights of self-determination as well as Israeli concerns of security and regional integration. I am on the 'side' that stands for equality, human rights, democracy, peaceful co-existence and regional development." [Halper, Israeli Violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, paper presented to the European paliament, Brussels, June 2001.]

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