Friday, July 28, 2006

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!

The Nutcase Rightwing Alliance (NRA), er, the National Rifle Association is back at it again. They write “Using the war on terrorism as a phony excuse, the anti-gunners are fighting for laws that will BAN HANDGUNS, LIMIT THE NUMBER OF GUNS YOU CAN OWN, TAX AMMO, LICENSE, REGISTER AND FINGERPRINT GUN OWNERS… AN VIRTUALLY REPEAL THE SECOND AMENDMENT!” And they name the usual suspects in Congress as those who will outlaw hunting ammo, padlock ranges and declare hunting lands off limits. But they may be successful in the fear and smear campaign, just like they were in 2000. Remember, it’s these folks who help bring you George Bush. And you are, of course, freer, more secure, and better off than you were BB (Before Bush). They may be successful because, as a society, we’re dumber than dirt! I have yet to see such proposed legislation. The NRA will tell a lie and tell it long and loud.... and the sheep (er, public) just nods their heads. A little questioning and a little research is far beyond the ken of the average American.

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