Wednesday, September 28, 2005

How do you spell "stupid?"

The United States Army, in their inimitable wisdom, has concluded that there is not enough evidence to "pursue criminal charges" against soldiers who have taken grisly photos of war dead and traded those photos for pornography on a Florida man's web site. Let's hope they pursue something under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (which by the way is part of the United States Code --- the law of the land). And how about 27-year-old Chris Wilson who owns the site? Does he not understand the furor caused by the Abu Ghraib photos and that all of these things aids those who are killing U.S. troops? And don't the soldiers who shot the pictures and want to trade them for porn understand either?! Oh, by the way, the site was intended to be a place where "men could post nude photos of their wives and girlfriends." How do you spell "stupid?"

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