Thursday, June 02, 2005

Deep Throat

The buzz on the box and in print these past few days has been the revelation that W. Mark Felt was Deep Throat of the Watergate era. It's an interesting tid-bit for historians but not - IMHO - worthy of the hours of blather. Of course, it's just another example of the news media talking to the news media (and the news junkies). Hey, folks, there is real news to cover out there.... and I don't mean the car accident in Broken Bum, Idaho, that makes headlines on the 24-hour news cable networks either. Watergate resulted in a flurry of youngsters wanting to be Bernstein/Woodward and the shorthand naming of every real or perceived inappropriate action by some government official as being "something"-gate. The soul of the whole matter is that fortunately two enterprising reporters --- and many others --- were able to shine a light on the creepy crawlers of a corrupt and imperial administration. And times have changed, how????!!!!

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