Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A great sadness

Well, the Israeli government now has the opportunity to finish the job.... to achieve the final Palestinian solution. And with the U.S. unswerving backing, the people of the U.S. need to be prepared for an unending Global War on Terrorism. Of course, the actions of the suicide bombers not only kill innocent bystanders, but are also killing any chance at all for the Palestinians.

Oh yeah

Burning of Old Glory angers me as well, but as the Supreme Court said, it is a matter of political protest. The Republicans, with their unpopular war, their unsavory behavior and their sucking up to the fanatics in the evangelical ranks, now tried to curry favor with the public by passing a Constitutional amendment prohibiting burning our flag. It failed to pass. Where is Archie Bunker when you need him?

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A date that remains in infamy

Thirty-nine year ago today, June 8, 1967 -- another date which will live in infamy --- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of Israel.

The United States had and has been an unswerving ally of that nation and yet Israel wantonly and in cold-blood attacked USS Liberty (AGTR-5), murdering 34 United State Navy personnel.

After this deliberate attack, Israel’s response was “oops,” and they said they didn’t know it was a U.S. ship, even though Liberty was flying a large U.S. flag. And because the U.S. government (Republican or Democrat is immaterial) kowtows to the Israeli lobby, there has been a cover-up and denial. (See the Liberty web site) Ironically, the United States has turned its back on Liberty and a blind eye to the atrocities of the state of Israel ... as it does in the case of Palestinian civilians today.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

What a concept!!!

Following the alleged killing of 24 Iraqi civilians by U.S. Marines, a commander in Iraq has ordered subordinates to conduct "core warrior values training, highlighting the importance of adhering to legal, moral and ethical standards on the battlefield." Following the scandals in Congress and the dishonesty at the White House, someone should order "core values training, highlighting the importance of adhering to legal, moral and ethical standards" for the members and the administration.