Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Are you ready for this? The Bush Administration now wants U.S. citizens to have and show a passport when visiting Canada. Now for you folks who don't live near the Canadian border and have no idea what Canada is about, it isn't Sgt. Preston of the Yukon. Culturally and environmentally, the area on either side of the border is pretty much same. The people who live close to that border cross it frequently for shopping, for sports programs, or to visit relatives. Canada is one of our best friends. Could it be (1) by making everyone have a $100 passport, Bush is trying to raise more money for the war in Iraq or (2) Bush wants to "punish" the Canadians --- who were smart enough to recognize the folly --- for their non-support of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. This is but one more of the administration's YGTBSM plans!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Second Tuesday in November

The second Tuesday in November is Election Day in these United States. Until then, we will be bombarded with telephone surveys (actually ads for a candidate) and political spots on radio and television. The public says they eschew negative advertising, yet all the consultants say they work. Of course they work! The U.S. public doesn't bother checking to see if the nasty charges are true or not. They just get angry at the accused candidate for doing what his opponent had said he (or she) has done. No one really expects the electorate to think do they?

There will never be campaign reform. The parties need to have a lot of cash to pay for the broadcast advertisements, and do you think the Fourth Estate — the watchdog for the public — will refuse all that wonderful money coming in or work to cut the flow off?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Of course!!!!!!!

The news media showed Alison Barber of the Pentagon briefing the soldiers in Iraq on the questions they would get from the President this morning. And she even gave direction on how to best "sell" the answer. Laurence DiRita says the help was to ensure there were no technical difficulties. Of course!!!!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Added because I can

You want ... what?!

The terrorists want to establish a a radical theocracy around the Middle East. The neo-conservatives of the Republic party (I guess that is a bit redundant) are upset because Harriet Miers may not fit their idea of the type of judge they want. I'd say the neos are looking to establish their own radical theocracy.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

WOT Inaccuracies?

Mr. Bush is correct in that we need to wage war against the terrorists that attacked the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, Spain's rail system, nightclubs in Bali, the London Underground, etc. Mr. Bush is scamming us when he says that the War on Terrorism was the reason we invaded Iraq. There is and was no evidence that Iraq was connected to Al Qaeda (unless he's thinking of the weapons of mass deflection).